There was 2 feature that I would like the hub to handle. First is the unitypackage file. It should be registered in windows registry to always open by hub
Copied from the comment
Second. It was my wish for such times that unity should be able to invoke its command from browser. In the same way as “Import package” button in assetstore website that could launch assetstore window inside the editor app
Because the browser could logged in the webservice provider, such as oauth provider, and get the data from any webservice. I wish I could create admin page in browser that could make a link, such as <a href="unity://projectA/menuA/commandA?someData=xxx">Call menuA/commandA in unity editor</a> to communicate with local unity editor from the browser instead of creating httplistener or webserver inside unity
But also the same as problem of unitypackage above. One machine could have many version of unity. But the hub would most likely be single. So this feature too should just be handled by the hub in the same way as unitypackage above
In fact. The url scheme could be treated in the same manner as the hub treating command line too