Suggestion to load next scene smoothly ?

When i press Play button to load next scene, it takes a few seconds to load. Why does that happen exactly? I mean, i put most of codes inside Awake method so i thought it might be the reason for delay before load exactly? I tried to make a middle scene for loading but i can’t even see loading screen cuz it loads quick. What should i do to make it smoothly load?

Surprised that hasn’t turned up anything in Google for you.

Look in the scene manager, there are options to load asynchronously.

If you really wanna get schmancy you can actually track the progress and show a loading bar.

Your CPU is composed of real matter and operates in the standard space-time continuum. Operations take a certain amount of time.

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Hi @Kurt-Dekker Thanks for reply… I have searched about it but couldn’t decide what to do. My game is a simple 2D game. When i press button to load game scene, it waits a few seconds to load. I tried making a loading scene but it’s not sensible to make a scene which doesn’t even show up. So i came here to ask how to make it smoothly.

Im searching about it. Is there any way to slow down Loading speed ? So people would see loading scene and then start game smoothly…