Suggestions on what to use for multiplayer integration

Hello everyone,

I am trying to plan out a mobile game where players will interact with a live market containing real time trade requests from other players, kind of like the Auction House in WoW.

I have done some research on the most commonly used ways to implement player/player interaction this way but each way I have seen has had someone saying something bad about it or I couldn’t find enough information on global data storage/access.

Some examples would be:

Node.Js with Redis but I saw people were having issues with phone stores using this method.

I’ve looked at other ways to implement online data sharing with Unity such as:

Now comes the question, is there anyone out there that has had some success with something like this, and if so what have you used to control the access/storage of global data? I am not looking for a step by step on how to do this, just what people have had some success using to do so.

Overall my goal is to have unity access a database using a middleman whenever a refresh time is hit for a mobile game. My experience is in C#/SQL Server and a small amount of JavaScript.

I appreciate any and all feedback, thank you.

I don’t think you need Photon or Mirror for this. It sounds as tough you are looking to make a UI app rather than your typical game environment, correct? If so you could 100% get by just using API calls to your backend.

Use a http based backend for this. Unless you really need realtime interaction, the http approach is easier, as scalable and there is a bigger pool of developers who know how to do this.
Don’t grant direct access to the DB, however :wink: