I want to develop physics based walking game(like “Daddy Long Leg”). What are the thinks needed to develop to develop this? Any supportive plugins are available for this development? What are the thinks I have to look on before I dive in? any related tutorial available?
Joints and Ragdolls (you gotta love ragdolls :3 )
Yeah right. I already started trying with it. I made a basic leg elbow moments using configurable joint. But little issues Im facing. After every elbow bend its slightly bouncing to and fro, not like i expected. I tried reducing it by changing “Angular XDrive” (Position string = infinity, damper = 999, maximum force = 10), now little bit reduced but not completely.
Check out my project if you are interested (location: scenes → prototype1). I love to hear advices and any suggestions, it will be great support for me. Thanks
I’ll take a look when I get on my laptop. In the meantime, take a look at this: Keyboard controlled knee. (QWOP mechanic) - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions
I was facing problem with Angular limits too, now its clear. Position Spring : 1000, Position Damper : 200, Maximum Force : 10 (made the movement smoother and it reduced the weird to&fro movements completely).Thank you for your link
hey…i also want to develop same kind of game for my project…
will you guide me for developing it gamedeveloping boy