I have a scene with a skybox, and a directional light that is oriented the same as the sun on the skybox. I have the camera set up to use Sun Shafts, but I have no idea what to put for the transform. I want the sun shafts to come from the sun, but that is theoretically in-game miles away. I had an idea to position the directional light as far out in the direction of the sun as possible, to try and get close to the position of the sun, but that is far from accurate and frankly doesn’t look very good. What should I do about this?
If you want the sun transform to always be at the same position relative to the player, you could use some scripting that makes the position always relative to the camera. This way, it makes sure that the rays will always look like they are coming from ‘infinity’, and it also keeps the rays in the right position!