Super simple project dropping frames and skipping on Android

Hello everyone,

I’ve got a massive headache trying to figure this out for days. I have a very simple project that I am deploying to my Android device - a Nexus 7. The problem I am having is that it seems to like to drop frames, or skip, every once in a while. The frame rate in general seems to be smooth, but occasionally, it seems to skip. Now, I’ve stripped down my already simple project so that it only has a scrolling background - that’s it. And I STILL experience this.

I simply don’t know how something so simple can be causing this. Is there something I am missing? I have tried all the V-sync options and the best one is Every V Blank.

Any help would be much appreciated!


I have the some problem with my space shooter project with the bolts. If i build it for android, some frames are dropped.

I have created a video with the problem.

Any ideas? Maybe a bug in unity? I used Unity 5.0.1f1 for this project. I also tryed it on a another pc with win 7 and win 8.1 and got the same problem.


Yea, I am not sure what causes these. Still waiting for some clues. I posted this description in this thread :

"Super simple scene here. Scrolling background on a plane - that’s it. Runs at ~3000 fps in editor, and around 50fps on android. 0.5ms CPU load in Editor, 15ms on Android. Technically, that’s not a terrible framerate, but the problem is I will get these profiler “spikes” once in a while, and most of them are from Camera.Render. These spikes shoot the CPU milliseconds from 15 to 85, which cause these little jitters once in a while.

Furthermore, when I go deeper into the Camera.Render to see what inside it is causing it, the numbers inside don’t add up to 85ms. What gives? Camera.Render is showing me 85ms for that frame, i expand it, and all the elements inside there don’t nearly add up to 85ms. Where is this “lag” spike coming from??"

Hello guys, Most probably you have overcome this issue (Your comments where in 2015) . I am currently having the exact same issue described by frogwise . Any ideas of how to fix this. (Even a game that only consists of a moving cube is causing the problem!!!)