Supermarket Interactable Products

Hi all.
Currently Im working on a Supermarket environment for my software development class. For reference the exact environment I am using is here:

What I want to do is make the objects interactable… To be exact, I want a little pop up to appear when the object is clicked with the name of the product, some nutritional value info, and a price. I don’t want this for each individual product per se, as many of them are grouped together in the asset package.

I have been looking for tutorials that can help with this, but most don’t seem applicable for my goal. I just need some advice, direction, literally anything on how to get this done. I am far from a Unity expert, so let me know what I should do.


Here is a brief example.

You would check for input and use a raycast to see what object the use is clicking on. Then you can do whatever- In your case you can just activate a UI canvas and fill in the info you want for each object.

The key to accomplishing any type of application is to break it down in to steps. You will almost never find a tutorial that covers an entire application that does exactly what you want, exactly how you want. If you separate your requirements down in to separate tasks, though, you should be able to find instructions for all of the basic elements. For example, It should be easy to find a tutorial for how to detect if an object is clicked-on. It’s easy to find a tutorial on how to create a UI window with text. etc…