Support for (3dsmax) Smoothing Groups

Does anyone know if 3dsmax-to-FBX-to-Unity supports Max smoothing groups? On the iPhone?

Or any other related poly smoothing/normals sharing technique?

They work. The annoying thing is by default unity throws away all normals in your fbx file, and tries to come up with better normals itself.

If you turn the option to regen the normals off, your fbx normals will be used, which have been generated by max in a way that takes your smoothing groups into account.

Bye, Lucas

Wow, thanks Lucas!

First, for the info on smoothing groups.

Second, for letting me know what the heck has been going on with my normals! So, where do I turn off this “regenerate normals” option?

BTW, nice to see you here in Unityland! :wink:

Heya Marty,

Sorry, I should have been a bit more explicit. The option is in your fbx import settings. rightclick your fbx file in your project window, and select “Import Settings”. In there it says something about regenerating normals. I often wonder in what day and age that function was actually useful. Even useful enough to default to true :slight_smile:

I’m knee deep in unityland lately, and very much enjoying it.

Cya later,

Thanks, Lucas!

It’s great to have you here too! :wink: