Supported Configuration: Unity PolySpatial 0.2.2 + Xcode 15 beta 5 + visionOS beta 2 SDK

There have been a few questions regarding version compatibility across PolySpatial, Xcode, and the visionOS SDK. As referenced in the “Requirements” section of the release notes, you should only be using the following configuration:

  • Apple Silicon Mac
  • Unity 2022 LTS (2022.3.5f1 only)
    • There is a known issue with IL2CPP on newer versions of 22 LTS.
  • Xcode 15 beta 5
  • visionOS beta 2 SDK

We can only test Apple’s latest updates when they’re publicly available (Xcode beta 8 and visionOS beta 3 SDK released last week), so we’re now working through a number of breaking changes that will need to be fixed in a future package release.

In the meantime, if you have a developer kit, you’ll need to keep it on visionOS SDK Seed 2. If you are attending a developer lab, we recommend confirming in advance that there will be a device on visionOS SDK Seed 2 to work with.

Hope this clarifies, and we will continue working hard to reach compatibility with the latest versions of Xcode and visionOS SDK as soon as we can!


Appreciate the clarification.
In case this is an issue for some, the Xcode 15 beta min spec is macOS Ventura 13.4.

Looking forward to the PolySpatial 3 update soon! We’re having a lot of fun with 2.2 this week.

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I was a little confused when reading the PolySpatial docs and saw this:

PolySpatial now supports Xcode 15 beta 5 & 6

Is the supported PolySpatial version still 0.2.2, as suggested by the thread title? Also, this thread suggests 2022.3.5f1 (only), but the PolySpatial docs state 2022.3.12f1. This is a bit confusing.

Hey thanks for flagging, the supported configurations are now listed in the General Release notes.

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