SureFire way to stop Multitouch ?

I am currently stuck with an issue regarding Multitouch.

I’m working on a very simple game, say where it’s just images/animations etc.

Multitouch is wreaking havoc in the game…

is there any trivial way to disable it for good ? like throughout all the scenes of the game ?

EDIT : thanks to @DarkToadster, it was indeed the Input.MultiTouchEnabled option which needed to be set to false.

void Awake() 
    Input.multiTouchEnabled = false;

I was testing the game in Unity Editor and not on the device, which led to the solution not working at first. Doing so through Unity Remote solved the problem !

cheers !

Did you check the Input Documentation ?

Look here

Unity - Scripting API: Input.multiTouchEnabled

I do believe that the OS wont let you override this. You just need to code only for 1 touch, and then code the multitouch to allow the first touch to still respond in the same way despite adding more touches.
It sounds like all your touches are registering as Touch #1 whereas they should be ignored.