Surface inputs not editable from Inspector


When I create new Properties in the Blackboard, they are exposed in the Inspector, but they are not editable… Other tutorials and blogs on this insist this is supposed to be this straight-forward. I have tried toggling the settings, changing the default values, and have tried swapping Material render types…

I am using version 2022.1.12f1, with the URP.

Perhaps this is a bug for this version of the Editor? Unless I am mistaken, the Properties should be editable from the Inspector.

Same issue I was following a tutorial and I couldn’t figure out if that was because I’m using a newer version of unity and didn’t check the right box.
I’ve been clicking everywhere to try and enable them: Exposed, Override property declaration, Allow Material Override…
I can still change the value of the surface inputs directly in the shader graph and it is responsive enough to tweak the value but still… something is wrong.
I would really like to know what I’m doing wrong

I could be wrong but I believe that the problem that you’re having is that you’re trying to use the material that comes with the graph asset. That default material is not intended to be edited. You can fix the issue my selecting the graph asset and creating a new material that references it. That new material that you create will then have editable parameters.


Yes! It works :smile: Thanks

Thanks. It works :):slight_smile: