Quick question. Would the surface pro 6 with i7, 8 ram, 252 gigs be able to run unity smoothly. I can get it with 16 gbs of ram but if the 8 gigs of ram works then that’s awesome.
Smoothly depending on the complexity and demands of the project.
I did Unity work on an older model of the Surface last year, works ok for not so complex stuff.
Is 8 gigs of ram okay or should I go with the 16 gigs
It should be okay to use as a student correct? I use c#, c++ and c a lot. I would be using it for an algorithms course, os, networks, MIPs,
We can’t answer that any more than we can answer if the device will be sufficient for your needs. That being said the RAM in the device is soldered to the motherboard and can’t be upgraded down the road without replacing the entire thing. If you have room in your budget for the 16 GB model you may as well buy it. It will allow more programs (and browser tabs) to be open at once.
I do work on a Surface 4, and it’s pretty neat. However, it’s not a 3D graphics powerhouse, so it’s pretty project dependent as to whether it’ll be fast enough for whatever you’re doing.
I’d go for 16 gigs RAM if you can, because you can’t upgrade it later and software tends to require more rather than less over time.
Go with 16gigs if you have the budget.
The surface I used would occasionally failed to compile VS projects due to insufficient memory.
I’m returning this trash and getting the surface book 2. It couldn’t handle my unity projects.