
Hi there!
After a few months working I’m glad to announce that the game Surfinia, from webcore, is finally online!
If you’d like to take a look on the game, the site is . On this page you will find the screen one that is attached on this post. Than if you follow the steps of the screens, I believe that you won’t have any problem. But if you have, post it in here!
I just would like to thank all of the user of this forum that helped us A LOT, to make this game become our first game!
Special thanks for the unity guys and Manu Evans, form Krome Studios that gave us a hand with the engine and some hints for this game.

If you ain’t from Brazil, you can use the
PASSWORD: surfinia

If you wanna play only the game, you can go to:

Ooh, looks nice. :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see some shots of the actual game.

I missed the first Screen!

… argh… I hate filling out pages of mindless information just to see a game for 30 seconds… especially when I haven’t a clue what the questions are asking!

Too bad, I was really interested in seeing this, I am, after all the BIG KAHUNA. Give us a direct link or at least the forms in English so I have half a chance of seeing it. :roll:

Ok, I do understand that this thing, of filling out forms is horrible. That’s why I wrote a User ( and a Password (surfinia) for those who are planning to take a look at the game.

But anyway, I believe that I own you some explanation about this huge form. This game is an advergame, created for a Brazilian TV Channel (that’s why it is in portuguese) about one of their soap operas called 3 irmãs (3 Sisters), that has the main theme SURF. So the idea of the game, is to create a place where the audience can have fun an interact with each other.

Even so, I believe that the opinion of other game developers in UNITY is really important, that’s what motivated me to create this post with this “screen by screen” tutorial, to make you guys be able to play the surf game made in UNITY, and point all the bad thing that ware made in this game.

By the way, we are creating a version of the Surf game for iPhone, and I hope that this version will be more useful for all of you.

Dooh! I missed the screen with the hints on how to sign in, my apologies.

I played the game for about 4 or 5 minutes. It’s pretty good for an on line surfing game. Pretty addicting and just the right mix of challenging vs. easy to learn.

A couple negatives though: I’m a life-long surfer, but I had a hard time figuring out how to get deeper in the tube. The left / right arrows for turns works fine, but what are the up / down arrows supposed to do? What I wanted to be able to do was to speed up the board (with front foot pressure) or slow down the board (with back foot pressure) and I thought the up/down keys did this, but I didn’t see a difference.

Edit: Ok, read the instructions again. I’d say that the up key / down key need to have a larger effect than what it’s doing now. I was holding the up key the entire time and wasn’t able to accelerate off the lip the way I’d like. I’m gonna give it another try later and see if it’s the controls or just me…

Good fun though, thanks for the diversion. Kowabunga dude! :slight_smile:

Thanks, for your reply bigkahuna!
I admit that the acceleration and the slow down ain’t always effective, according with the angle of the player against the natural forces of the wave (Also known as a name that I have no idea which is). But any way, we are still making improvements in this game, and looking for the good and bad things of it to create it’s iPhone version, so I’ll try to find out a way to make this acceleration more easy to be felt.

Thanks again!

I certainly would have liked to play the game, but never was able to make it that far. I was able to log in using your supplied user and password. Was lost after that. Maybe big kahuna could post up a tutorial on how to navigate our way to the breakers.

Doesn’t everyone in Brazil speak English? :shock:

Hi Quietus!

I thought that the screens on this post would have helped you to play the game easily… But apparently I WAS WRONG… Ok then… I’ve built the game to be played offline now, and you can access it on the site style is the default of the unity, I hope you don’t mind.

About this sentence… I’m confused… Did you said that seriously, or was that a joke?

    var answer : GUIText;
        answer ="Hahahahaha, very funny Mr. Quietus, VERY FUNNY!";
        answer.text = "I believe that less than 1% of the Brazilians speak english, but I haven't found a research about that...";

I haven’t found a “Nerdier” way to answer this question. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for posting the direct link for dummies like me who can’t read directions. :lol: But it doesn’t seem to work. The player loads but when I press the play button “Jugar” nothing happens. Probably a broken link someplace.

I’ve always wanted to create a good 3D surfing game. This comes close to what I was thinking, but I think it needs some more tweaking to become really good. I’ll give it another try later (can’t let anyone else know I’m surfing during work!). :wink:

The only Portuguese I know are the sorts of things you don’t say to people you like, so I better not speak Portuguese! :slight_smile:

Ok, bigkahuna
I seems that my rush to make the game available “offline” for you, made me build a crappy game… I’ll try to solve the problem as soon as possible. But if you reload the page and press “jogar”, you will have a 1/7 chance to have the same error again.

I’m still trying to create my “good 3D surfing game”!

Thanks for your help again!

Ok, now I’m getting it. It’s pretty challenging. Doing aerials is pretty easy but getting tubed is hard. I like it. I especially like the view when you’re tubed and the camera changes to behind the rider. The other cool effect was when I wiped out in the tube and I went over the falls. Pretty cool animation. Only thing that seems pretty unrealistic is how slow the wave travels compared to how fast the surfer travels. I have to surf back to the peak in order to even get near the tube. In real life a wave that fast would catch up to you in no time. But the animated water surface actually makes you feel like the wave is moving and some of the physics come close to the real thing, so overall a pretty nicely done effect.

Have you ever seen the “surfing simulator” they came out with a dozen or so years ago? It was basically a surfboard on a balancing pivot. You stand up on the surfboard and whatever movement you make on the board gets sent to the computer as a joystick input. Connecting one of those to this game and displaying the game on a big screen would be a ton of fun and might make an awesome trade show gimmick.

Hi again BigKahuna!
I must say that I’m really flattered and happy for your answers and you opinions! I can’t even express how much!

That’s a complicated thing to calibrate in a realistic way. I’ve tried to use the Kelly Slater Pro Surfer way to simulate the wave behavior, using a static wave and all of the forces being applied on the surfer. But unfortunately I couldn’t find out a way to make the surfer have enough speed to have a cool (unrealistic) jump and at the same time make him be sucked by the tube. So in the last week to put the game online, I ended up choosing for the other problems of the game and letting this one behind…

About the “Surfing Simulator”, all that I saw was that static wave that has water being thrown against a wall with the tube’s shape, on the youtube. I’ve had never heard about a board that is specific for surfing, the near of that, that I know, is the wii’s balance board.

By the way, in our company we didn’t have any one, except me, that has ever surfed before. So we had to do a huge research to find a way to make this game become true. But I’m pretty sure that we did the best we could to make this game as good as we could for those who like surfing, don’t get disappointed.

No. They don’t all speak spanish either. Since I don’t speak portuguese speaking with my in laws is tough - believe me.

I haven’t seen the balance board for the wii, from the sound of it I imagine that would work OK. The surf simulator was basically a chopped down surfboard with a joystick mounted underneath. I saw it in a surf shop many years ago but apparently it never really took off. It would be easy enough to build your own, or perhaps use that wii device. I think the effect would be pretty cool, might even be “educational”. :slight_smile:

Considering the lack of surfers on your team I’d say you’ve done a miraculous job. The few surfing games I’ve tried were all pretty lame, yours is definitely a bit improvement although I’d love to see it taken even further. Although I manage to get in the water a couple times a week, I just never seem to get enough surfing! :wink:

could this control setup be applied to virtual joystick in Unity? any suggestions on creating a game like this for a newbie?
and any code? I know you are very talented and understand the physics involved from what I read of your work. I am very impressed that you basically created this on your own.
any insight would be greatly appreciated.