Suspending app during video add

We are getting a gamebreaking bug related to our Unity Ads. Any advice would be appreciated! The bug occurs if the player suspends the app during a video ad (which we have as unskippable). If the player returns to the app then it remains stalled in our ad level.

Some background: We have our video ad play in its own scene. When the ad is completed, we load the next level. If the player suspends and then re-opens the app, what would be the proper procedure to handle this? Does the below code make sense?

// Show with default zone, pause engine and print result to debug log
Advertisement.Show(null, new ShowOptions
    pause = false,
    resultCallback = result =>
        if(result == ShowResult.Finished)
            NGUITools.SetActive (LoadScreen.gameObject, true);
            // if the player tried to earn five coins, but it failed, then remove the coins
            NGUITools.SetActive (LoadScreen.gameObject, true);

Do I need to put a seperate call inf or ShowResult.Failed? I thought the else statement would handle it. Is no result getting called when the app is being suspended and resumed? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Which platform, Unity version and Asset Store package version? We might have a bugreport for this already internally already, which we believe has been fixed (if it’s the same issue) and should be available in next package update.
