@Jaroslav-Stehlik : Is it possible to adjust the quality level (tesselation) of the imported SVG’s during import, or perhaps generating LODs? They look great in your video, but I’m a bit concerned about older hardware. Really looking forward to this!
Great question! Yes, you can set your quality level during import and because the result is meshes, we can in future make LOD groups.
Isn’t HideFlags.DontSave doing something similar?
I am afraid that not. Because I want to save the asset in editor permanently but not in build, which DontSave tag will as proposed wont save nothing
Hm, I see. Can you perhaps show a quick example on how you use HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild?
I’m curious - does it create a texture from the vectors? Or does it just color and shape meshes to match the vectors color and shape?
It is not well documented, but you could try the “EditorOnly” tag (scroll to bottom). I think objects tagged with this are ignored when the project is built.
It does not rasterize vectors and it does not use vector colors for gradients.
The mesh is used only for the shape. Only vertex colours would not be able to reproduce perfect gradients.
Looks interesting, will take a look at it!
Thanks for your info, but a tag can be applied only on Game Objects. This means that I would have to change all assets to prefabs, which is not possible and will represent many new problems.
Yeah I agree, that would not be worth the effort
Will your asset come with source so we can try and find a workaround ourselves?
Yes they will!
Awesome, thanks!
Today I submitted the SVG Importer to Unity Asset Store. It’s in the review process. Wish me luck
great news and Good luck.
How’s it done? If not rasterized or colored meshes, how’s it get from vector to unity? I like the appearance I’m just hung up on how it is implemented. Does it use some shader techniques to color meshes?
It is hybrid. It uses mesh for the shape and extremely small lookup texture for gradients. So the shader is simple and the gradients look correct.
Today I managed to get SVG Importer to work on Unity 4.6.0f3 which I think is pretty neat.
Only problem I have are stupid warnings like “Shader wants texture coordinates, but the mesh Instance -89774 doesn’t have them” which are not fired in Unity 5…
Bookmarked. Can’t wait to try it. I hope it will make Unity GUI become a vector-based GUI, as good as Noesis.
The Unity UI,
I personally recommend using simple shapes.
Unity UI Canvas has total vertex count limit about 60 thousand vertices.
So, for every complex illustration you would need a separate canvas.