SVN Clients

What is your favorite SVN client?

We’re currently using Tortoise SVN, but we’ve had some challenges with information not updating correctly, so artists end up having symbols that tell them that they’ve successfully committed everything, when in actuality there may be metafiles that didn’t get committed.

It may be because we haven’t updated to the latest version, but I figure I’d ask what some of you are using.

Ideally, I’d like the artists to have a stand-alone interface instead of it being integrated into Windows Explorer. Kind of like the Unity Asset Server, which they loved, but we are unfortunately no longer using because of other projects we have.

I worked 2 years and half with SVN in a company and we got lot of problem…

Then 3 month in another company with Perforce and it was a little bit better.

And after that as freelancer I continued with SVN but the free server was quite low…

Then a colleague teach to me Dropbox and I converted all my SVN project in a single Dropbox account.
This is quite better for the conflicts, update speed, etc…

Now Dropbox is very simple, but do not wait for something really customizable as SVN or Perforce…

Now to download data with 3Mo/s from the free server, it changes a lot since SVN was approximately 100ko-400ko on the free server… :lol:

I can’t really use something like Dropbox. We have everything in-house. There’s a lot of sensitive data here.

I’m playing with SmartSVN right now. The overall process seems a little cumbersome since I’m dealing with a stand-alone program as opposed to going straight into Explorer, but at the same time it’s clearer.

I could see this window being open on an artist’s computer, with the option for viewing files in subdirectories on. And with the viewing of unchanged files off. It should be pretty straight and to the point without the artist having to dig through folders.

I haven’t tested its reliability and accuracy yet.

oh then if you create everything yourself, I think Perforce is better than SVN!

Really better than SVN for resolving conflict :wink:

For artists, you potentially might want to check out MogComplete from MogWare

Thats more an “artists focused” solution for handling versions, sharing assets with fellow artists as well as a few other features that help them save time.

Right now, if I want to spend any money, I would have to build up a pretty strong case for a paid solution as opposed to the available free solutions.

From looking at Mogware, I’m not sure that it offers enough to justify a monthly expense.

Downsized Games has released a plugin on the Unity Store allowing perforce (p4) functionality from within Unity3D.

Unity Store
