Switch between characters and follow?

Hi I have two characters that I would like to switch between and be able to tell the non-selected character to follow the selected character or stay at the point where the switch took place.
On top of that I need the camera to change focus to the character selected. (It’s a platform game).

Well I guess both :slight_smile: I have followed this 2d tutorial 1 and know how to change the camera focus from one player to the other, but I can’t order the non selected to stay or follow. I am very new at scripting and trying to use what scripts there are and avoid it as much as possible to start with. I have mainly been changing or adding a little in already written scripts.
So an explanation of how to go about it with a minimum of scripting would be nice, but I’m in the learning process as well so a script would be also be very appreciated.

Answers the first part. Then I would look into navMesh agents.

I don’t understand the question. Is there any? If you need something done, you can try these freelance websites. Comeback when you have some real issue that you’re stuck with.