I’ve been using LWRP since release; I thought I did some mistakes so project is low performance-fps, but the low fps (performance) originated from LWRP URP 2019.
The LWRP/ URP changed and slowed down.(graphics are already bad)
I did new tests with Standard (built in default) render pipeline so SRP is better graphics and lighter on android (Android Oreo) phone. Thats why they removed “light” name (URP).
Tested same scene only directional light and objects on Moto Z: (Snapdragon 820) and Galaxy S7 (with Exynos 8890).
I just didn’t tested upgraded project apk on unity 2020-alpha, because i’m tired.
When people say something like this, they say bug report bug report.
They find a way out people’s bug reports to releasing always new URP downloadable only on alpha unity versions. (A big lie…)
Unity 2020-alpha : you can’t export apk or another bug. They saying use android fixed URP with unity 2020-alpha …
Also LWRP URP can’t count the number of tris when you press stats on the game scene panel.(Another bug)
A year ago they say same story, use LWRP on unity 2019-alpha.
Maybe they always testing on ios because they have fast shiny iphones.
Man, I did not understand just a single word from your sentences. First of all: I think you just misunderstood the terms. What is standart render pipeline? It is called scriptable render pipeline not standart render pipeline. From screenshots it is obvious that first photo does not have enviremnent lighting which is just a simple problem. Use reflection probes and take lighting. I guess you should work a bit more about scriptable render pipeline:) you should understand what is hdrp, what is urp. where are they used etc…
It must be truly depressing for Unity staff to be constantly told URP looks bad. I’ve achieved absolutely fantastic fidelity with it, easily acceptable for any modern console game albeit with less content due to my own resources.
That said, if you have a bug report then Unity can investigate. I’m not sure even what your problem is. Is it performance? if so then you need to adjust your shaders / post effects and use the profiler to figure out where you are spending time.
You should post a bug report number or nobody is going to really understand what you mean. And no, accusing Unity of lies is not the best way to solve your problem, ever.
You may not understand because you are from a foreign country ))
Everyone knows that standard is built in pipeline but that’s not the point.
The first and second photos have directional lighting and both are the same scene. However, one of my complaints is that the latest version of URP has buggy lighting in the first photo.
It is easy to say use reflection probes, but URP optimization is already problematic.
I know exactly what’s going on…
The issue is related to performance, even without the use of post effects. Thank you for your response.
I suggest reading the comments on this blog, particularly the
sections labeled ‘production ready’.
Can you submit a bug report for this? we take performance issues as high user pain and put priority into looking at those. Currently as far as I can see we only have one issue about performance open in URP grabbag we are looking into that. That issue is related to static batching and SRP.
So if you report it we can either find if this is the same issue or if this is a new one in which we will prioritize to look.
I’m really glad we are approaching the first LTS version with URP and we are working a big push to the LTS. So the more bugs you open the better for us.
it’s not a big problem, you can fix it by changing the color space from linear to gamma,
edit > project settings > player > other settings > color space = Gamma
Your advice should only be for ES2.0 devices. What phone did you test it on? I ask because any midrange phone in the last few years is ES3.0 and you would find linear is not the bottleneck.
How could you assume that your particular use case, project and phone is the answer?
Your right, but there is no risk if you pick Gamma over linear, i know that linear is more realistic sometimes, but, come on, it’s just a mobile game.
and my phone is lenovo k5 plus 2016, with an android 9.0 custom rom.
LWRP with post processing is x2 performance compared to URP, so maybe i will drop unity light2d. Why don’t we have the independent 2D light package?
It’s getting worse after each version update.
I feel like I’ve also experienced performance getting worse after updating URP, but I didn’t do a before and after test to know conclusively.
My scene with up to 24 ships and a space background always ran at a pretty stable 60 FPS before on my Samsung Note 8 and now it’s like 14-30 FPS.
I will test disabling SRP Batching and see if that helps.
-I see you havn’t properly bake your global illumination in your scene. Though urp doesn’t has realtime GI just like Standard pipeline has, you need to bake GI in urp.
-Standard pipeline can use deferred render but urp use forward renderer.
-Sky plays a big role in outdoor scene which also called indirect lighting.
- Why not using a reflection prob to get the sky reflection in urp.
- for the dark nasty shadow,
- switch your color space from gamma to linear.
- in urp settings check HDR
- And lastly bake your global illumination for static gameobjects using shadowmask.
** As I use urp daily I noticed urp doesn’t support screen space reflection which needed deferred renderer( unity promises to implement it later in urp).
** I noticed some auto lighting bug.( which can be fixed by generate lighting)
** Don’t forget to tweak your skybox from environment tab in lighting settings
** If you see some noise in your lightmap, just set the filter from auto to advance and set it to optix image denoise. It will give your lightmap a crisp clean look.