Switching all Materials on objects using the same.

Newbie Question I guess but here goes:


Part 1: If a switch is activated switch Material 1 (Black) to Material 2 (White) and vice versa.

Part 2: Make sure this works for all objects the script is attached to.

So far it works for exactly 1 object in the scene e.g. Part 1 works, Part 2 doesn’t.

I’ve the feeling I’m missing the obvious answer but after trying my luck for 3? hours I give up.

Anyway here’s the code snippet.

    public Material BlackMat;
    public Material WhiteMat;
    public Material PermanentMat;

    public static bool switchActivated= false;

    private string Material;

	void Update () {

            Material = renderer.materials[0].name;

            if (switchActivated == true && Material == "White (Instance)")

                renderer.material = BlackMat;
                switchActivated = false;
            else if (switchActivated== true && Material == "Black (Instance)")
               renderer.material = WhiteMat;
                switchActivated = false;

Yeah so in case anyone else runs into the same issue:

“switchactivated == false” is being set immediately after the first material gets changed therefor all the others won’t.

Guess this problem should be filed under: Wasting time by missing the obvious.