Symbolic links are dereferenced when the package is installed from UPM server on Unity 2022.3

Using Unity 2022.3 LTS, when the package manager downloads the package from UPM server, then all symbolic links in it are dereferenced. While the package manager installs the package from the local file(tarball), then symbolic links are not dereferenced.

# install from UPM server, then there are no symbolic links under the package
% find Library/PackageCache/com.mycompany.sdk@1.2.3 -type l | wc -l
# install from local tarball, then symbolic links are not dereferenced
% find Library/PackageCache/com.mycompany.sdk@1.2.3 -type l | wc -l

Using Unity 6, symbolic links are not dereferenced both installing package from UPM server and installing from the local file.

Our Unity package contains our own xcframeworks to build iOS app. xcframeworks have its signature and many symbolic links. If symbolic links are dereferenced, the signature error(status=Validation failed) happens and we cannot build the app. So symbolic links in the package should not be dereferenced in that case.

We would like Unity 2022 not to dereference symbolic links when the package is installed from UPM server as Unity 6. Do you have any plans to backport this to Unity 2022 ?

Best Regards
