Sync/clone scene tab settings?

I have two copies of the same original project open in 2 instances of the editor. I’m checking the objects and settings from one and copying them to the other. GitHub had some issues and this gave me a way to fix it and tidy up a few things as well.

In any case I am looking at the Scene in each and while they are close I cannot get the exact same “view” such that the rotation, distances and such look the same. It would help me spot differences if I could click on an object in the editors and have them focus in exactly the same way.

Is there a way to input and/or copy/paste settings from the scene to another instance of the editor? If I click on a game object in the world both zoom in but even there they don’t line up.

In the top right of the Editor there’s the Layout button. That can set the Editor’s windows to be the same.

But for the camera you should use an editor script.

You want something like this:

        [MenuItem("My Shortcuts/Scene View Camera Fix #&c")] // shift+alt+c
        public static void FixSceneViewCamera(MenuCommand _)
            var pos = YourDesiredConsistentPos;

        static void SetSceneCamera(Vector3 position)
            SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.orthographic = false; // or whatever you use
            SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.rotation = YourDesiredRotation;
            SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.pivot = position;
            // There's also lastActiveSceenView.Frame() which might be needed in some cases

I tend to grab a position from whatever scene object I’ve selected then snap the camera to a consistent position/rotation relative to that object. This is a bit more dynamic while ensuring I can produce consistent positions just by selecting some anchor object, no matter the scene. If you want a consistent anchor in each scene, another shortcut could update the Selection.activeTransform = yourObject;

I have a custom layout but that is identical. The script is cool and I’ve added that, thanks.

I’m noticing it lines up if I select certain game objects and is the tiniest bit different in an in-game menu I have. I may very well have a slightly different setting there so I’ll check. The other go’s seem exact so I’m a happy camper now.


Tada… I found the errant object. Slightly off on the X axis.