Hey, I’m trying to create a multiplayer shooter and I have multiple weapons on my weapon bone but deaktivated. When I switch my weapon, only the player itself can see the ne weapon but not other clients. So how can I sync the activation and deactivation from game objects, that don’t have a network object component? Can someone help me pls? i already try this:
public void RequestWeaponChangeServerRpc(int _previousWeaponIndex2, ulong sourceNetworkOjectId)
UpdateWeaponClientRpc(_previousWeaponIndex2, sourceNetworkOjectId);
private void UpdateWeaponClientRpc(int _previousWeaponIndex2, ulong sourceNetworkOjectId)
Debug.Log($"[ClientRpc] Weapon changed: {_previousWeaponIndex2} -> {GetActiveItem()}");
private void EquipWeapon()
if (!IsOwner) return;
if (_instantiatedWeapons.Count == 0) return;
RequestWeaponChangeServerRpc(_previousWeaponIndex, NetworkObjectId);
_actionState = FPSActionState.None;