Syncing a LineRenderer component

I am developing a VR multiplayer drawing feature using Unity’s VR multiplayer template (Netcode) and a drawing script from Logitech. I made some modifications to this script to support synchronized drawing across multiple players, but it still hasn’t worked. The drawing on the server is only visible locally. How can I make this component’s information synchronize across the network?

public class NewBehaviourScript : NetworkBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private GameObject linePrefab; 

    private List<GameObject> _lines = new List<GameObject>();
    private LineRenderer _currentLine;
    private List<float> _currentLineWidths = new List<float>();

    [SerializeField] float _maxLineWidth = 0.01f;
    [SerializeField] float _minLineWidth = 0.0005f;

    [SerializeField] private Color _currentColor = Color.white;

    [SerializeField] private StylusHandler _stylusHandler;

    private bool _isDrawing = false;
    private Vector3 _previousLinePoint;
    private const float _minDistanceBetweenLinePoints = 0.0005f;

    private NetworkObject _currentLineNetworkObject;

    public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
        Debug.Log("OnNetworkSpawn called - Network object spawned.");

    private void StartNewLine()
        Debug.Log("StartNewLine called.");

        // 使用预制体实例化新线条对象
        GameObject lineObject = Instantiate(linePrefab);
        _currentLine = lineObject.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();

        _currentLine.positionCount = 0;
        _currentLine.material.color = _currentColor;
        _currentLine.startWidth = _minLineWidth;
        _currentLine.endWidth = _minLineWidth;

        _previousLinePoint = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        _currentLineNetworkObject = lineObject.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
        Debug.Log("New line spawned and synced in network.");

    [ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
    private void AddPointServerRpc(Vector3 position, float width)
        Debug.Log("AddPointServerRpc called - Position: " + position);
        AddPointClientRpc(position, width);

    private void AddPointClientRpc(Vector3 position, float width)
        if (_currentLine != null)
            Debug.Log("AddPointClientRpc called - Position: " + position);
            if (Vector3.Distance(position, _previousLinePoint) > _minDistanceBetweenLinePoints)
                _previousLinePoint = position;
                _currentLine.SetPosition(_currentLine.positionCount - 1, position);

                AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve();
                _currentLineWidths.Add(Math.Max(width * _maxLineWidth, _minLineWidth));
                for (int i = 0; i < _currentLineWidths.Count; i++)
                    curve.AddKey(i / (float)(_currentLineWidths.Count - 1), _currentLineWidths[i]);
                _currentLine.widthCurve = curve;

    void Update()
        if (_stylusHandler != null)

            if (IsOwner && _stylusHandler.CanDraw())

                float analogInput = Mathf.Max(_stylusHandler.CurrentState.tip_value, _stylusHandler.CurrentState.cluster_middle_value);

                if (analogInput > 0)
                    if (!_isDrawing)
                        Debug.Log("Starting a new line.");
                        _isDrawing = true;

                    AddPointServerRpc(_stylusHandler.CurrentState.inkingPose.position, analogInput);
                    _isDrawing = false;
            Debug.LogError("StylusHandler is null.");

Is this script attached to the player object or a world object?