Syntax Error when using groupshared

I was following a tutorial on compute shades in which they were making a boids simulation. When I followed it I kept getting the error “syntax error: unexpected token ‘;’ at kernel BoidsDataCS”, after the first time I put it in, it never went away even when I removed the groupshared variable.

Here is my code, line 40 is where it says the error is

// Each #kernel tells which function to compile; you can have many kernels
#pragma kernel SteeringForcesCS
#pragma kernel BoidsDataCS

struct BoidData
    float3 velocity;
    float3 position;

#define THREAD_GROUP_SIZE 128;

StructuredBuffer<BoidData> _BoidsDataBuffer;

RWStructuredBuffer<BoidData> _BoidsDataBufferRW;

StructuredBuffer<float3> _BoidsSteeringForcesBuffer;

RWStructuredBuffer<float3> _BoidsSteeringForcesBufferRW;

int _BoidsCount;

float _DeltaTime;

float _SeperationRadius;
float _AlignmentRadius;
float _CohesionRadius;

float _BoidMaximumSpeed;
float _BoidMaximumSteeringForce;

float _SeperationWeight;
float _AlignmentWeight;
float _CohesionWeight;

float4 _SimulationCenter;
float4 _SimulationDimensions;
float _SimulationBoundsAvoidWeight;

groupshared BoidData boidData[THREAD_GROUP_SIZE];

float3 limit(float3 vec, float max)
    float lengthSquared = dot(vec, vec);

    if (lengthSquared > max * max && lengthSquared > 0)
        float length = sqrt(lengthSquared);
        return * (max / length);

float3 CheckSimulationBounds(float3 position)
    float3 wc =;
    float3 ws =;

    float3 acc = float3(0, 0, 0);

    acc.x = (position.x < wc.x - ws.x * 0.5) ? 1.0 : ((position.x > wc.x + ws.x * 0.5) ? -1.0 : 0.0);
    acc.y = (position.y < wc.y - ws.y * 0.5) ? 1.0 : ((position.y > wc.y + ws.y * 0.5) ? -1.0 : 0.0);
    acc.z = (position.z < wc.z - ws.z * 0.5) ? 1.0 : ((position.z > wc.z + ws.z * 0.5) ? -1.0 : 0.0);
    return acc;

[numthreads(THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)]
void SteeringForcesCS(uint3 d_tid : SV_DISPATCHTHREADID, uint gi : SV_GroupIndex from 0 to 255)
    const unsigned int P_ID = d_tid.x;
    const float P_position = _BoidsDataBuffer[P_ID].position;
    const float P_velocity = _BoidsDataBuffer[P_ID].velocity;

    float3 force = float3(0, 0, 0);

    float3 separationPositionOffset = float3(0, 0, 0);
    float3 alignmentPositionOffset = float3(0, 0, 0);
    float3 cohesionPositionOffset = float3(0, 0, 0);

    int seperationBoidsCount = 0;
    int alignmentBoidsCount = 0;
    int cohesionBoidsCount = 0;
    float3 separationSteering = float3(0, 0, 0);
    float3 alignmentSteering = float3(0, 0, 0);
    float3 cohesionSteering = float3(0, 0, 0);

    for (uint n_block_id = 0; n_block_id < (uint)_BoidsCount; n_block_id += THREAD_GROUP_SIZE)
        boid_data[gi] = _BoidsDataBuffer[n_block_id + gi];

        for (int N_tile_ID = 0, N_tile_ID < THREAD_GROUP_SIZE; N_tile_ID ++)
            const float3 N_position = boid_data[N_tile_ID].position;
            const float3 N_velocity = boid_data[N_tile_ID].velocity;

            const float3 diff = P_position - N_position;
            const float dist = sqrt(dot(diff, diff));

            if (dist > 0.0 && dist <= _SeperationRadius)
                float3 repulse = normalize(P_position - N_position);
                repulse /= dist;
                separationPositionOffset += repulse;

            if (dist > 0.0 && dist <= _AlignmentRadius)
                alignmentPositionOffset += N_velocity;

            if (dist > 0.0 && dist <= _CohesionRadius)
                cohesionPositionOffset += N_position;


    if (seperationBoidsCount > 0)
        separationSteering = separationPositionOffset / (float)separationBoidsCount;
        separationSteering = normalize(separationSteering) * _BoidMaximumSpeed;
        separationSteering = separationSteering - p_velocity;
        separationSteering = limit(separationSteering, _BoidMaximumSteeringForce);

    if (alignmentBoidsCount > 0)
        alignmentSteering = alignmentPositionOffset / (float)alignmentBoidsCount;
        alignmentSteering = normalize(alignmentSteering) * _BoidMaximumSpeed;
        alignmentSteering = alignmentSteering - P_velocity;
        alignmentSteering = limit(alignmentSteering, _BoidMaximumSteeringForce);

    if (cohesionBoidsCount > 0)
        cohesionPositionOffset = cohesionPositionOffset / (float)cohesionBoidsCount;
        cohesionSteering = cohesionPositionOffset - P_position;
        cohesionSteering = normalize(cohesionSteering) * _BoidMaximumSpeed;
        cohesionSteering = cohesionSteering - P_velocity;
        cohesionSteering = limit(cohesionSteering, _BoidMaximumSteeringForce);

    force += alignmentSteering * _AlignmentWeight;
    force += cohesionSteering * _CohesionWeight;
    force += separationSteering * _SeperationWeight;

    _BoidsSteeringForcesBufferRW[P_ID] = force;

[numthreads(THREAD_GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)]
void BoidsDataCS(uint3 DTid : SV_DISPATCHTHREADID)
    const unsigned int p_id = DTid.x;

    BoidData boidData = _BoidsDataBufferRW[p_id];
    float3 force = _BoidsSteeringForcesBuffer[p_id];

    force += CheckSimulationBounds(boidData.position) * _SimulationBoundsAvoidWeight;

    boidData.velocity += force * _DeltaTime;
    boidData.velocity = limit(boidData.velocity, _BoidMaximumSpeed);
    boidData.position += boidData.velocity * _DeltaTime;

    _BoidsDataBufferRW[p_id] = boidData;

Any Ideas why its happening?