Syntax Highlighting for Boo + Emacs

Does any have any good examples for integrating Emacs with Boo and Unity? In particular I am thinking about syntax highlighting at a bare minimum.

This is what I have started so far. You can put this in your .emacs file. If you move it elsewhere then the last block should still go in your .emacs file (it sets up file extensions, requires, etc.) This will create a new mode, boo-mode, derived from python-mode, and set up some basic syntax highlighting. This is a work in progress.

;; --------
;; Define faces
(defface boo-modifier-face
  '((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
  "Face for Boo modifiers (public, static, etc.)")
(defvar boo-modifier-face 'boo-modifier-face)

(defface boo-type-face
  '((t (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
  "Face for Boo/CLI variable types (int, double, etc.)")
(defvar boo-type-face 'boo-type-face)

(defface unity-keyword-class-face
  '((t (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
  "Face for Unity-specific class keywords (MonoBehavior, Vector3, etc)")
(defvar unity-keyword-class-face 'unity-keyword-class-face)

(defface unity-idioms-face
  '((t (:underline t)))
  "Face for common Unity 'idioms' like 'gameObject.GetComponent'")
(defvar unity-idioms-face 'unity-idioms-face)

;; Define regex expressions for highlighting
(defvar boo-font-lock-keywords
  (let ((kw1 (mapconcat 'identity
			'("public" "static" "private")
	(kw2 (mapconcat 'identity
			'("MonoBehavior" "Material" "PhysicMaterial"
			  "GameObject" "MeshFilter" "MeshRenderer"
			  "Vector2" "Vector3" "MeshCollider")
	(kw3 (mapconcat 'identity
			'("sbyte" "short" "int" "long" "byte" "ushort"
			  "uint" "ulong" "single" "double" "decimal" "char"
	(kw4 (mapconcat 'identity
			'("transform.Translate" "gameObject.GetComponent"
			  "Destroy" "gameObject.FindWithTag" "gameObject.Find")
     ;; variable/class/function modifiers
     (list (concat "\\([^. 	]\\|^\\)[ 	]*\\b\\([" kw1 "\\| ]+\\)\\b[ \b	]")
	   2 boo-modifier-face)
     ;; Unity-specific classes and such
     (list (concat "[ ()	]+\\(" kw2 "\\)[ )(	

1 unity-keyword-class-face)
;; BOO/CLI variable types
(list (concat “\b\(” kw3 “\)\b”)
1 boo-type-face)
;; Unity-specific commonly used “idioms”
(list (concat “\(” kw4 “\)”)
1 unity-idioms-face)
“Additional expression to highlight in Boo mode.”)

;; Define a new mode, boo-mode, derived from python-mode. This
;; will currently just function as python-mode with some additional
;; syntax highlighting.
(define-derived-mode boo-mode python-mode
  "syntax highlighting for boo. derived from python-mode"
  (font-lock-add-keywords 'boo-mode boo-font-lock-keywords)
  ;;(font-lock-add-keywords 'python-mode boo-font-lock-keywords)

;; All files with the .boo extension will now use boo-mode
(require 'boo-mode)				  
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.boo" . boo-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq interpreter-mode-alist (cons '("boo" . boo-mode) interpreter-mode-alist)) 
;; define boo interpreter 
(setq boo-python-command "booi -")

There(this thread and other some thread) is few info about boo language major mode for emacs.

I add somthing, and commit to github.