
I am making a combat log and here is my code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Log : MonoBehaviour {

	public string[] lines;
	int firstEmpty;

	void Start () {
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		firstEmpty = System.Array.IndexOf(lines, null);

	void OnGUI(){
		GUI.Box (new Rect(5, Screen.height- 200 , 300, 200), "Log");
		for(int line = 0; line < lines.Length; line++){
			GUI.Label(new Rect(7, (Screen.height- 200 + 175) - (20 * line), 200, 20), lines[line]);


	public void newLine(string log){
		firstEmpty = System.Array.IndexOf(lines, null);
		lines[firstEmpty + 1] = log;


It only displays one label and i want it to display all 9 lines. Thanks for the help.

Frist set the size of newLine to 9 in editor, than modify a little bit the method newLine

 public void newLine(string log)
        firstEmpty = System.Array.IndexOf(lines,"");
        lines[firstEmpty] = log;

If you want the reverse order you need to modify that line :

 GUI.Label(new Rect(7, (Screen.height- 200 + 175) - (20 * line), 200, 20), lines[line]);


GUI.Label(new Rect(7, (Screen.height - 200 ) + (20 * line), 200, 20), lines[line]);

Than you would need to update the list when number of messages reach 9.
Remove the top most, move each consecutive to the previous place, and append the new one in the end. Well there is many ways of doing that. The code for now will throw IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. at message number 10.