System Particle is not working (New here, Hi everyone)

Hi everyone!
Is my first time posting here so I hope to see you more often :slight_smile:

I have created a project, a 2D game and I am trying to use a Particle System in a object that is generated with a Generator.
I have a script that every certain time generate this object, well, I am trying to associate a System Particle to this generated object but is not working. If I drag this prefab to the SampleScene I can see the System Particle but when I run the project is not working.

I am a noob here so just tell me if you need some code or what can be the problem.
I put some pics:

This pic is before starts the game, when I click or hit a button this dissapear.

Is the z position of the particle system really messed up? It should be like, 0 or something normally

Is -90, is my first time handling a particle system.

Ah, thats the problem then, try to reset it to 0.

Sorry, it was 0, and doesn’t work it :frowning:

Huh. What z position is your camera at?

The particle system should have a z position greater than that of the cameras. (ex, camera is at -10 z, particle system is at 0). If it already is, try creating a blank particle system, make sure to reset the transform and see if it works. If so, there’s probably something wrong with specifically your particle system.