Tab key not moving between UI elements in editor on Linux

When trying to move between UI elements in the editor (e.g. fields in the inspector), the tab key does not work for me at all. Shift-tab DOES work to go to the previous UI element.

I am using 2022.3.18f1 on Kubuntu 22.04.

The tab key works as expected in all other apps I have tried.

Anyone having this same issue or know of a fix?

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same issue here but Ubuntu, no known fix found yet by me…

also not even shift-tab works in the inspector of the Unity editor for me in Unity 2022.3.18f1

I recently installed Kubuntu 22.04 and install the latest hub and the latest unity editor and get this bug. Is a nightmare!!!
Should have stick with outdated versions

I use Mint 21.3 and same issue. Which also is in ver. 2022.3.19f1 so upgrading doesn’t help.

[Edit] I can now use tab to change variables on my own scripts. I have no idea why :eyes: Everything else is still untabbable…

Same issue 2022.3.20f1 on Ubuntu 23.10

I just found this issue right now. I also use Unity 2022.3.11 and it doesn’t have this issue. As usual, Unity Technologies fixes one issue and breaks the other.

I wouldn’t mind paying $10 per month for support. At least they should fix their product and make sure that it works better before releasing it. How did this get past testing. This is one of the things that is very difficult to overlook.

Having the same issue on 2022.03.20f1 on Linux Mint 21.3
Although I did notice that the tab key does cycle through references on components that have them.

Tab works on 2022.3.12, shift-tab doesn’t.

Unity recently released a new version. The latest LTS I think is 2022.3.22 or something. The tab key didn’t work on that either.

I can’t believe an entire new release is needed to fix this issue, and how something like this could have escaped the Q&A.
Hopefully, Unity 6 on Linux will break this current and mediocre benchmark left by the many unfixable problems on Linux.

I think that a small minority of game devs use Linux. However, what people do not know is how fast Linux is for game development. With Wayland (which is not completely ready), the UI is super fast on KDE and everything works so well. On Windows, UI seems clunky and the build times are relatively longer as well.

I think that the Unity Team is simply not concerned about what the Linux folks get as much as what the Windows folks get. Even on Windows, the engine feels buggy and seems to be held by strings. There are other issues with the engine as well on Linux. For example, on Linux, it takes a longer time to close the entire editor. On Windows, it closes in a few seconds.

Other than that, multi-monitor support on Linux is very bad. In fact, it is a seriously bad issue. Window problems have been prevalent in the Linux Editor. I remember that the Visual Scripting windows didn’t work well at all on the Linux Editors.

The UI Tab key things is one of the many issues (window related) that Unity seems to have on Linux. I am not sure whey this is the case, but it is the case.

+1 to this, I adore keyboard shortcuts and this has been a huge turnoff :confused:
I am on Wayland, Hyprland, and neither Tab nor Shift Tab work.
I tried both Flatpak and App Image Hub(stuck with the App Image) but that shouldn’t really affect this issue ig.

@qiliang_zhou @JoshPeterson
Can someone please confirm if this bug still within new releases?