Tag requests

Tags will be visible on the threads they belong to, as well as from the list of threads on each forum. If clicked on, you will navigate to a list of threads that all contain the same tag. Tags can also be subscribed to so you can receive notifications on when new threads containing that tag are created.

We are currently populating the list of tags available for use, so please make your requests in this thread.
Tags are specific for the forum they are used in.

Here are our current list of tags.

(Edited by Hippocoder)
An updated list of tags can be viewed here: Unity Discussions

For the Teaching forum there are several tags I would suggest.

“Video Course”, and “Written Course”, or maybe just “Video” and “Written”, as that would help people who strongly prefer one type of learning over another.

“Basic”, “Intermediate”, and “Advanced” for marking the level of the teaching being offered.

Depending on how many tags you’re looking to add, putting in tags for the type of topic might be helpful. Things such as “2D Art”, “3D Art”, “Animation”, “C#”, “Lighting”, “Shaders”. Though this may be something too specific that would be better covered in the titles of the threads.

When looking at the General Discussion and/or Game Design forums, these are some of the ways I tend to classify web pages and other resources I have saved for future review. These are the kinds of boxes I would tend to put Unity threads into as I was creating them or reading them.

“Advertising”, “AI”, “Business”, “F2P”, “International”, “Kickstarter”, “Legal”, “Level Design”, “Marketing”, “MMO”, “Mobile”, “Monetization”, “Multiplayer”, “Polish”, “Testing”.

As an example, there was a recent thread discussing the Red Cross and how they had asked that their symbol be removed from video games. To me, that would be under “Legal” and perhaps “Business”.

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Thanks for the suggested tags! I will add some of these and create a thread listing all the tags we have added so far.

“UnityScript” and “C#” would be nice for the scripting subforums.

Common topics would also be nice. Like “Optimization”, “Script errors”, “Script help” etc.


Work In Progress or WIP

We have a forum for this purpose, check it out here.

Oh for sure, but if you look at the forum, the WIP tag has organically made its way into the use of that forum with people putting [WIP] before the name of their post. Others, when it becomes a finished piece of work, will put [Released]. My suggestion was just to make it official.

Ah, right, now I see what you mean. Ideally users would move their released versions into the Made with Unity forum or the Asset Store forum. I’ll have to think a bit about adding the tags.

Would you mind adding tags for the commercial sub-forums, like programmer, 2d/3d artist, concept artist, animator, sound fx, music composer, voice actor


I think several tags for Editor/General (specifically re: editor scripting) would be useful:

  • isDirty
  • Record
  • PrefabUtility
  • Prefab
  • Instantiate

Would be useful for my post here and others like it.

Added to the Extensions forum.

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Hi Sara! In Asset Store forum, I’m missing the following tags:

  • Editor Extensions
  • Productivity
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So are these tags very much still work in progress?
Because you can manually enter tags but almost none will be accepted so you might as well just use the buttons to add tags - but there are very few tags…

Yeah, we’re still adding them to the list. Which tags were you trying to add and to which forum(s)? I can create these.

Well in forums like Editor and General Support, Graphics and in scripting forums there are many things you might tag a post with like:
Graphics, Shader, Rendering, Mesh, Lighting, Shadow, 2D, 3D, Debugging, MonoDevelop, Visual Studio, Sound, Bugs, Standalone, Mobile, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac…

The list could get very large

I’ll add some of these in the appropriate forums, but for platform-specific tags, does it not make more sense for those threads to be posted in their respective forum? Android for example has its own forum. Same with Graphics and Shaders. I can of course still add these, just curious as to what would make most sense.

ok thanks.
Depends how people use the forums for platforms. I mean which forum do people use when there is a choice?
It’s confusing if you have a techy graphics issue say on mobile devices - do you post under graphics or post on android and iOS forums?

That’s true, in my case I would post in a graphics forum if it’s graphics-related, but others may go directly to one of the mobile forums. Hmmm… will give this another thought but you have a point!

Note: I see that a lot of people are marking threads with “UnityScript” when their code is C#.

This is probably because they don’t know what UnityScript really is, since the user-facing parts of Unity is still lying and calling the language “JavaScript”.

I’m note sure if there’s a solution, maybe someone has a good idea?

Dang, maybe renaming it to JavaScript may be the best solution here since that’s how we’ve referred to it all along…