tag strangeness

Somehow it looks like the tags have been coming off my objects:

For instance, the enemy objects ought to have been tagged as Enemy.

Somehow the Enemy tag doesn’t even seem to exist this time through.

Has anyone else seen this sort of strangeness with tags?

Thank you.

I haven’t, but some quick googling shows that people have encountered this when converting a project from one version of Unity to another. Did you recently upgrade this project, or otherwise open it in a different version?

I’ve been using Unity 5.3.4f1 with the project. However, it is based on the Space Shooter tutorial, so someone else may have upgraded it. I just imported it from the Asset store and started customizing it:



Ah, you probably imported the assets and not the project settings… or, perhaps, the project settings weren’t included in the bundle. Either way, your tags didn’t disappear; you never had them!

No big deal; go define and assign the tags you need, and get on with the fun.