Tagged collider objects returns untagged

Hi, I want to create a collider as a checkpoint for my car. Unfortunately the OP tag is for some reason not detected correctly and I am not sure why.

This is the car object that I want to reach the checkpoint.
I tried adding the OP tag to the object, the prefab and the parent as well.

Here is the Checkpoint object with the Checkpoint script.

The checkpoint script

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        print("Trigger " + other.gameObject.tag);

The output

Any help would be apreciated!

Okay, I solved it by just replacing the Mesh Collider with a Box Collider.
Why is that the case?

Collision between a non-convex mesh collider and other mesh colliders is not supported by the physics engine.

BTW mesh colliders are inefficient. Always avoid using them whenever a primitive collider will work.