Tail Animator - Procedural tail animation for tentacles, simple capes, squids and more!

Thanks I’ll try this out!


I’m having a problem with Tail Animator, maybe someone can help.
I have a tentacle, and all is fine, Tail Animator automatic rig made all the bones work and the tentacle moves nicely.
However I want to shoot at the tentacle.
To do that, in each joint of the tentacle I added a collider.
The problem, the visual representation of the collider moves correctly, however the collider itself it stops matching the visual representation as soon as the simulation begins.
I already have tried everything I can think off, and I don’t get this, somehow it seems Tail Animator is resetting everything I do on those colliders and putting them back to the original position.
Has anyone sucessefully done anything like this?


I’ve had that issue a few times. I think doing the collision detection code in LateUpdate, and possibly changing the script execution order to make sure the shooting raycasting etc. happen after the TailAnimator code worked for me.

The thing is that the collider won’t match the position of the box.
it’s not even the raycasting problem, positions inside the tail animator are reset somewhow.