Take And Trap [Released]

Take and Trap is a classic running and collecting game but with a small twist, you play as a Kaola collecting apples and luring foxes into traps. You eat and eat and eat, your goal is to find a shiny golden apple. The game can be challenging to finish, can you finish it? :roll_eyes:

Try it out, and leave a comment.

link: Take And Trap by Shaanig01


Inspired by a addicting 2d running game that I played in my childhood, I finally decided to create my own game with a twist. After not being so successful in finishing games and I’m tired of keeping my games heaped in folders. So here is a published one set in a Low Poly Environment.

This game is free, I created this game out of my hobbie.

P.S: the images might look super blurry, but in game its not, its because of the software I used to take the screenshots. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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It’s a really really interesting game you made! Love the music and the artwork, especially the eating apples graphic! Super super work for sure! Congratulations on the release :slight_smile: I think I kinda suck at it because it took me about 12 attempts to get through the first 39 apples level. Couple of questions and thoughts though and not sure if you’ll find this nitpicking:

  1. Was it a design choice to move the player on a Vector till the player inputs another key? (I haven’t played too many games like that so took an attempt to register it).

  2. Not sure if you’ve looked into the idea of a minimap? Getting that last apple from somewhere can get a little tedious if it’s a harder level with not easy to see apples?

  3. I think in one or two attempts I really didn’t interact with a couple of foxes on the North side of the map, but when I came back they had already trapped themselves (which is the one of the reasons I got all 39 in my last attempt lol)

  4. What’s the button to quit the game? Lol. I had to alt-F4 eventually.

Awesome stuff! Looking forward to more updates and games :slight_smile:

I’m glad you found it interesting, the game was finished like within a week I think, the core elements, but I got bored and it was sitting inside my folder until later I continued it and finished it, and I kinda rushed the development, I was super disappointed when I noticed the fox’s front legs :(, I’m suprised you didn’t mention it :hushed:. The legs and animations works fine in Blender, but importing it to Unity the legs are like distorted and mutated, I tried looking and tried several ways :(, but modeling the fox and doing the animation using a dog run spreadsheet again was super lazy of me :roll_eyes:, still I’m suprised you didn’t mention it. I thought I would keep a video inside the folder showing the blend file, to avoid heavy criticism like users might think I made this super cheap xD. Even though its kinda cheap.

  1. Yep it was on purpose, the game is based on a old nokia tom & jerry cheese collecting game, you know to get that old arcade feeling, but I guess It doesn’t stand out good in 3D. I myself saw this point coming.

  2. True sometimes I hit this block too, this game originally I challenged myself to finish the game in a week after many failing attempts of making a game, but I guess kinda rushed it, the nokia game also doesn’t have any map, I had to play piano on phone to find all the cheese, I will try to improve my games when it comes to navigation next time, thx for the feedback

  3. Heheh yea the foxes don’t evade traps, and sometimes you can get super lucky.

  4. Ahahahah yea I rushed the game, I never use the “exit” button in a game, but I really should have known that others do need it xD, I always use Alt+F4 or the task manager to shut down my game, but not all know task manager, I think I just dropped out the most basic feature of a game. From now on I will start from the basics first, but mostly its because I rushed.

so much thx for the feedback, and for being the first guest. :smile:


  • Improve navigation.

  • Implement Indicators for certain tasks.

  • Add basic features which I dropped cause of the rush and layzzzz

  • be k ya full before publishing and do a full re-check on everything.

  • The game playtime is around 22-40 mins, I will put more levels If I’m making a other game.


@yummynath if your continuing your career as a game dev or as a hobbie, I do really wana work with someone whos experienced in this area, In my country Maldives I really don’t find much people with this skill :(, but I don’t care if your a beginner or not, when I say work, I don’t exactly mean making games as partners but giving feedback of each other’s projects or work basically hanging out game devs like in Discord.

I honestly didn’t notice it, I guess my eye was fixated on getting apples and seeing the green textures rendering as they go by. Then I again, I focus on character, basic objective and how to (maybe) cheese it (veteran Sekiro runner lol). I’m still trying to work out 2D since 3D skeletal frameworks get me a little frazzled. I ran my first test game without an exit button and sent it a couple friends, they didn’t know how to exit it and frantically called me lol. Definitely don’t want that going on with your game.

I’m 100% with you for working together as little as feedback and as much as collaborative :slight_smile: . You’ve seen my work so far, my art, code is very much at a sub-beginner level lol. But MORE than happy to game test and relay ideas! Also LOVE your music.

I don’t know where the “game dev” thing will take me since I started with it because I sort of don’t have a job at the moment and won’t probably get one in the next few months at least. But I do love creating stuff, getting under the hood and learning. Also I’m sure you’ll find a couple devs in Maldives if you’re on a few Discord servers. I’m on Brackey’s and found an interesting population there.

Again congratulations on your first release :slight_smile:

lol its the opposite for me, I’m mostly on 3D, I lack art, basic art :(, I usually go myself with lowpoly or cutting textures from textures.com. I’m mostly a c# coder

ahahahah they didn’t know Alt+F4? xD, its 2020 cmon :hushed:,

cool, I don’t really care about the beginner part, just looking for a partner ^_^, and the game musics, yea I like them too, if you love Martijn de Boer’s music, heres the link: http://ccmixter.org/people/nigid, also you on Discord right?

same here, Its a natural hobbie for me to make games, I do love creating them, I’m also trying to achieve something, oh yea I also watched Brackey’s tutorials to achieve that apple dissolve effect. I mostly don’t use discord that much except playing games with a group of friends. Here: Shaanig#6454

Oh cool cool I’ll definitely check him out :slight_smile: Yes! I’m on discord. I’ll add you now.