I am trying to get my enemy to reduce the amount of health the player has when it comes within a certain distance. I have wrote this script that tells me how far away I am from the enemy, and if I get too close the console says “enemy attack”. The script also gives me a little GUI of the health that I am wanting to change also when the enemy is too close to the player. I have got so far but Im not sure how to reduce the amount of health the player has at line 12, can anyone give me some pointers?
This is what I have so far but It is not working can you help me out?
var fullHealth : int = 100;
var curHealth : int = 100;
function OnCollisionEnter(collision: Collision) {
if(collision.gameObject.tag == "Enemy");
fullHealth -= 10;
print ("hit");
function Update () {
if(curHealth >= fullHealth){
curHealth = fullHealth;
if(fullHealth <= 0){
fullHealth = 0;
Debug.Log("You are Dead");
function OnGUI() {
GUI.Label (Rect (25, 40, 100, 20), "Health = "+fullHealth);
Make a square colour texture about 64 x 64 a drag it into the healthTexture in the inspector.
#pragma strict
var healthTexture : Texture2D; // Texture to use for the health graphics
var curHealth : int = 100;
var enemy : Transform;
private var adjust : int;
private var gapTest = true;
function Update () {
var dist = Vector3.Distance(enemy.position, transform.position);
print ("Distance to enemy: " + dist);
if(gapTest && dist < 1.6){
print ("enemy attack");
curHealth = curHealth - 1;
if(curHealth >= fullHealth){
curHealth = fullHealth;
if(curHealth <= 0){
curHealth = 0;
Debug.Log("You are Dead");
function OnGUI () {
adjust = curHealth * 3;
// Place the GUI at the top of the screen
GUI.BeginGroup(Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 150,Screen.height - Screen.height + 10,adjust,15));
GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(0,0,290,15), healthTexture);
function GapSetHealth(){
gapTest = false;
yield WaitForSeconds (0.02); // Gap size for the time to deduct health
gapTest = true;
You need to decide how often (how many seconds between each attack) that the enemy is attacking, then use a counter and add to it every Update. When the counter reaches attack time, deduct health and reset the counter. =]
var attackTimer : float = 0.0;
var attackNow : float = 0.1; // 1 every 1/10 of a sec, or 10 every sec.
function Update()
if ( attackTimer > attackNow )
// deduct health
// reset Timer
attackTimer = 0.0;
attackTimer += Time.deltaTime;
in response to : Ive looked at a few different ways of making a timer but there not making any sense to me, could you help me out?
I personally have seen 2 types of timer/counter. The first is as in my comment, with a ‘counter’ and a maximum value.
var counter : float = 0.0;
var counterMax : float = 5.0;
function Update()
if ( counter > counterMax )
// do stuff
// reset Timer
counter = 0.0;
// increment timer over time
counter += Time.deltaTime;
// increment counter with an inter value (like counting frames)
// counter ++; // like this, counter can be an integer
the other method is using Time.time itself, but it still need an increment value to work.
var counter : float = 0.0;
var counterDelay : float = 5.0;
function Update()
if ( Time.time > counter )
// do stuff
// reset Timer
counter = Time.time + counterDelay;