TapCount doesn't work... why not?


I’m trying to create a double tap feature but I never get more than 1 tap.

I have:

void Update(){

if (Input.TouchCount == 1) { //To make sure only one finger does the dTap

 Debug.Log("ONE TAP");

 if(Input.GetTouch(0).tapCount == 2) Debug.Log("DOUBLE TAP");

} // End Update

I tried that on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and I only get two "ONE TAP"s in the debug log. What I mean is that it gives me two ONE TAP messages and not a DOUBLE TAP message.

I can get the tapCount to count more than one. What am I doing wrong?. Maybe this doesn’t work in Android… does anyone know?

Thanks for your time!

It only works in iOS, on Android it is always 1:

on section: Mobile Input.

tapCount: the iPhone/iPad screen is able to distinguish quick finger taps by the user. This counter will let you know how many times the user has tapped the screen without moving a finger to the sides. Android devices do not count number of taps, this field is always 1.

if (Input.touchCount > 0) {

	Debug.Log("ONE TAP");
	if(Input.GetTouch(0).tapCount == 2)
	Debug.Log("DOUBLE TAP");