Tapjoy IOS build errors, but Android builds correct

When I build IOS I recieve errors

All files are in SVN.
I use official free Tapjoy package v11.5.0

project settings:

  • il2cpp
  • 8.0
  • ARM64
  • .net 2.0

Those errors look like the Xcode project is missing frameworks. Looking at the SDK integration guide for Tapjoy, it appears they ship with some post-export scripts that modify the Xcode project after it is exported from Unity (as most iOS plugins do). I would double check that those post-export scripts are checked in to version control. Some SVN clients ignore commonly used extensions like .dll or .a.

Hi, I double check all files, its all in repository.

when I try to build ios on my windows pc - in unity editor I recieve exception

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That’s something you will have to check with Tapjoy on - not sure what the issue is there.

I pulled down the Tapjoy SDK (version 11.5.0) this morning and was able to successfully build using the project settings you listed above (using Unity 5.3.1). What version of Unity are you building with in Cloud Build? Are you doing any other modifications to the Xcode project in a post-export method, or a PostProcessBuildAttribute?

I’m building a game that includes TapJoy and the same problem seems to occur to me too. All the files are on SVN (there was excluded postscripts by my SVN client and I included them on my OSX machine) but I then got more errors than at first. In case someone knows why, here is the list of them (thanks in advance!) :

We realized we had an earlier version of TapJoy installed. We updated the SDK to version 11.5 but now we can’t compile in Unity. It shows the error :

Am I missing a setting in unity when I build?


@shex1337 - are you getting that error locally or in Cloud Build? Do you have other plugins or dll’s included in your project? That error typically means that you are trying to include a dll that is not compatible with the architecture you are compiling for.

Hi dannyd
thanks that you tested plugin.
In my project I remove Chartboost plugin and build game succsessfull

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@dannyd Thank you Danny for taking the time to analyse the situation. We managed to fix everything.

For people who stumble upon the same situation, here is some points to check that might fix the problem :

  • The DLL from TapJoy might have gotten corrupted. Trying cleaning completely and redownload/reimport the plugin (that fixed the BadImageFormatException for us)
  • Are the Postprocessbuild scripts working propely ? (For us it wasn’t loading properly and TapJoy uses this to link some libraries to the project)
  • For the *“OBJC_CLASS_EKEvent", referenced from ...* errors, we managed to fix them by going in XCode under ProjetSettings->Build Phases->Link Binary with Librairies and find the right librairies to fit with the error message (ex: "_OBJC_CLASS__EKEvent” means that the EventKit.framework might be missing). We had these errors because the Postprocessbuild didn’t seem to run properly when we had first built from Unity.

When we cleared those 3 points, we were able to build the project with TapJoy.

PS: Sorry for my bad english, it’s not my 1st language.

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Tapjoy SDK can only be built iOS on Mac.