Unity 2019.2.0f1
Cinemachine Version 2.3.4
I’m making a local multiplayer tank battle game, and I want to use the Target Group functionality to translate the camera based on all the player’s positions. The players properly add themselves to the target group when spawned, and the camera accurately translates and zooms in when they get closer. On all accounts, the camera is working as I want it, except for one very frustrating issue… The camera isn’t exactly centered.
The target group object itself is always mathematically exactly where it should be, but it seems like the VCam tracking it is not perfectly aligned. I’ve completely disabled the damping and dead zone on the VCam to ensure that the camera “snaps” to it’s intended position. I don’t see why the camera would be positioning in this way, when all I want is for the camera to follow the centered position exactly, and zoom in and out using the group distances.
Attached I have a screenshot of the game view, the scene view, and the VCam settings.
Any help or explanation so I can understand what’s going on is much appreciated!
‘Tank’ you!
Adam “PixelDough” Worrell
Can you show the transform of your vcam? Does it have Y rotation? If so, zero it out.
I thought that might be the case, but there is never any rotation other than my set rotation on the x axis.

I think it’s worth noting the game window guides, where you can definitely see that the point is off center.
However, when I select the target group object, it is directly in the center.
Thinking a little more carefully about this, I have realized that in fact you can’t expect both the tanks and the set to be centered, because of perspective. Pixel-wise, the far tank is closer to screen horizontal center than the near tank is. If you ask the vcam to center the tanks onscreen, then the set center will necessarily be shifted by half the difference between tank distances to screen center.
Ooh, hm. I didn’t consider that. So if I wanted it to simply track the center point, I should make it track a separate transform that stays centered between the two tanks, rather than tracking the group composer itself.
Is there any way I can use the zooming in and out of the group composer without using any of it’s movements? I don’t want to use the Aim section because that makes the camera rotate around.
What if you tried something like this:
Make invisible tank-shadow-objects that track the tanks exactly, except with their Z position set to a constant value - maybe just inside the near wall of the set. Put them in the group instead of the tanks. Then it should work.