targetFrameRate not working on iOS

Hello all,

I set targetFrameRate to 60 on a Start() function. On Mac, it most of the times does 60 fps, but sometimes stupidly goes to 30 fps for literally no reason. On iOS, it ALWAYS goes to 30 fps.

Why is this? I’ve tried researching, and everyone says to turn vSync off. However, I did this to no avail - it didn’t change anything on iOS - why? Because vSync is always on on iOS devices (unchangeable)…

I literally just want to make the iOS version run at 60 fps, but it is proving so darn difficult for something so difficult.

And also, why tf is the Mac version 25% of the time running at 30 fps instead of 60? (With literally nothing other than Unity running - I’ve tried restarting it, etc.).


If that’s in the editor, try a standalone and see if you see the same thing. Editor framerates often don’t actually resemble framerates you’ll see in a build.

When I say iOS, I mean an iOS Build. When I say Mac, I mean the Unity Editor running on my Mac computer.

The thing is, testing it out with a Mac Build wouldn’t matter because the game is meant for iOS. So I need to fix it for iOS - how it runs on Editor/MacBuild doesn’t really matter.

Hi. Did you ever find a solution to this?