Targetting Script doesn't work

I got this script from a tutorial:

function Start ()
	var targets = List;

function AddAllEnemies()
	var mytargets : GameObject[] = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");
	for (GameObject in mytargets)
		var enemy : Transform;

function AddTarget ()

Its supposed to put all enemies an a variable called targets, but its not working. Does anyone see something wrong with it. The problems are: "List doesn’t work so I know I have the wrong keyword, and because of that it can’t find the variable targets. And it says it can’t find the variable enemy.

You either fail at Copy&Paste or the tutorial is utter crap. Not one of these functions make any sense. If you look at this code you will see what is wrong, if you dont see it, you should read an easier tutorial about UnityScript or any other Unity scripting language.