TDD - News / Opinions / Reviews & Assets

Hi everyone,

I recently recently, I have been extremely active on some platforms and not at all on others, and I have missed out on this awesome community.

I have recently started my own website to voice my opinion on topics within our industry, provide reviews of products and services I have used on my ventures and I will also be providing free downloadable content to help ensure aspiring indie developers get the very most out of their journey into game development.

I will also be releasing a few of my own little creations along the way!

I will be posting daily so make sure you subscribe for the latest updates and feel free to leave any comments providing feedback and/or any topics and resources you would like me to cover. It is important to me to hear what other developers and designers think.

Topics posted about include: Tips & Tricks, Asset Flipping, Paid Reviews & Profitability of Each Platform. I am also releasing free assets each week!

Want to read more? Visit the website here:
Or follow me on twitter:


anyone have any feedback? (sorry for the bump, but alot of views and no comments :frowning: )

My thoughts when I saw your post were “oh, another one of these guys”. We’ve had a few come here, tell us how great our community is, link their blog or podcast, and then vanish again for a few months until they come back because they want to shill their new stuff again.

If you actually just want to be part of our forum, then welcome and have fun!

If you just want me to go to your website, you need to ask yourself, “why would anyone want to?”. Here on the forum I’m right at the source of interesting discussions, opinions, tipps & tricks, etc., much of it coming from people I know and can relate to. You are just a “stranger with a website” to me at the moment. Why would I want to read your asset flipping rant, when we’ve had heated multipage discussions here already, or when I can instead listen to Jim Sterling’s videos, which likely are much more entertaining to me. If you are serious about the whole “when there’s a gold rush, sell the shovels”-thing and want to build yourself and your site into a brand and make a business out of it, then that’s perfectly fine. Maybe dig into how “Ray Wenderlich” started out, my impression is that he’s one of the more successful devs that made a business based on providing educational material etc… I’m sure there are tons of others too.
And about those 80k twitter followers… I totally don’t understand twitter and I really don’t care how many followers you have, but with 171 tweets and following 200 people I’m having a hard time imagining you getting over 80k followers any other way than straight up buying most of them, in which case I wouldn’t boast about that number.

Either way, I do see you’ve made more than your 2 posts here already, and I do hope you aren’t “just another one of those”, and will become a regular here, and most importantly will have fun being part of this community! Welcome aboard!


@Martin_H some fair points, but as you can see, I only joined on the 28th of last month so haven’t really had a chance to get fully posting without plaguing the forum with spam :stuck_out_tongue: I am a moderator on another unity forum (ArmedUnity) so spend most of my time over there.

Most of my twitter followers have came from my old youtube account (I did alot of tutorials and gameplay videos) and I skinned and deleted alot of the old, irrelevant tweets (hence only 100+ tweets)

As for my articles and building a brand I appreciate the links, should give me a very decent helping hand.

Thank you for the warm welcome, I assure you I will be posting more regularly :wink: I have a few free assets pending on the asset store, so I will be sharing some content here real soon.

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Welcome. There is a thread for user blogs here:


Your site has a heck of a lot of fairly intrusive advertising. The whole thing has the look and feel of a click bait skimmer site. The content seems to be arranged in order to have me click on ads, not based on what would be useful. Plus most of the content isn’t that deep or meaningful. Another post about the indieapocolypse or asset flipping? Give me a break, these are old news.

That may not be what you are going for. But that’s certainly the feel.

Thanks, didn’t notice that. Is it okay to keep it here or should I delete and repost?

Hi, on second look I completely agree, the ads were very intrusive and to be honest, the whole site was a bit hectic and not what I was really aiming for, sorry to have put a sour taste in your mouth! I’ve updated the whole look and feel of the site, would you mind taking a second look and seeing if this is any better? thank you for the feedback, it’s very helpful! :slight_smile:

Ohh… for a second I thought it’s about “TestDrivenDevelopment - news, opinions, reviews, assets” which would be something I’d really dig into. Sad panda :frowning:
(well, there you go - a topic idea that’s not really covered too much in Unity context AFAIK)

On your site itself (fair warning - I tend to be “demanding” when people ask for feedback :wink: ):

I might be old fashioned, but the top navigation mixing actual diffferent sections and tag switching for the blog was confusing for me (not sure about the current “trends” in blogging, so take it as you wish).

Checked the game tab. That trailer/demo transitions too much. It’s really hard to keep track of what is there, even though the game itself is extremely basic and looks almost like a finished basic tutorial (but with a price tag).

Checked the assets.
An unrigged zombie model (imho rigging/animations is the hard part). Pretty low poly, proportions are way off. The scars look nice though.
What looks to be a terrain with some trees… at least it’s “free download”, but honestly I’d surprised if it took you more than 15-30 mins to do and it’s just, well, terrain with trees from standard assets. A video on how to do it would be better (although there are hundreds of them on youtube already).

Checked the blog. Asset flipping (hmm… that map of yours…), Shadow of Mordor, a studio closing.

There’s nothing there on your site yet.

Either way - Welcome to the forums!


@Kalladystine you are more than welcome to be demanding, we wouldn’t get anywhere if everyone were ‘yes men’

Thanks for the feedback, albeit if it did make me cry :stuck_out_tongue:

sounds like I have a lot to work on, so thanks. back to the drawing board so to speak!

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