I work at a middle school as a para. At this middle school anyone can try and get a club approved so I am trying to get a game dev club approved, because all the kids keep bugging me to start one. The problem is however that they only have 1 computer lab at the school and getting permission to use that after school would be hard then it would also decrease the amount of people in the club. Each student does have a Chromebook which are not powerful. Also they cant download any programs on them.
So does anyone know of a way to use these Chromebooks to teach game dev? I was thinking of maybe bringing my own computer to the club instead and having it put up on the projector and we do a group game design sort of thing. Where in the end we will have completed 1 group game. They would pitch ideas, draw levels, flesh out game mechanics as a group.
If I do get to use the computer lab I couldn’t decide between making a game in GameMaker or using Unity to teach level design. Which do you think would be best?
Any ideas or advice would be awesome