Hello, i’m Alex a french VR Developper.

I 'm here to introduce you my new wip of my new project, called Team Switch.
It’s a coop robbery game, like keep talking and nobody exploses. It’s a VR game, the player with the headset will be the robber in a bank, and he will have to disarm some security systems before entering inside the treasure room. The other players will help him, sending instructions from a manual, about description sending by the robber on what he’s seeing. He will have a lot of fun gadgets to help him too. When the player is in the treasure room, he will have limited time to open some of the 240 boxes and discover witch treasure will be inside. A world wide rank will be available too.

I will share you some videos here, i will glad to receive your opinions on it and share ideas with you :slight_smile:
One the first video: The Team switch base ( it will be the game menu), and the starting sequence :

Hello !
I’d just start a kickstarter campaign to support the project, that’s include a new trailer with new gameplay elements.
What do you think about it?

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/teamswitchvr/team-switch-experts-burglary-agency-vr-async-co-op-game?ref=discovery&term=team switch