Hello everyone! I don’t often come to the forums very often, but I am super excited to see this sample. It gives everyone a solid foundation to build upon. I am a 3d artist. I can read code, understand it, but I am a designer by heart.
I have a small group of people and we are getting our GDD down while my artist and I work on getting things sculpted and rigged for unity. The question I have, are there any bodies who are coders that are working on this as a project?
Is it easy for you? What are things we should address or fix with the code based on input from your experience?
Who has something built using this? Care to share? If not I understand some projects are under the radar in the early stages.
Lastly, is there anyone out there looking to work on a team? I am looking to get some folks on the team to work on some concepts we want to incorporate. Nothing too crazy. Just some simple things that make it more unique and original. Completely willing to trade services. I have work I can show. You can get a hold of me on discord: RelicStar#0988 if you are interested.
Time to start reading these posts! Any input is valued.
Quite a few people have made custom maps with some small changes. A small handful have even done pretty extensive changes with the FPS Sample. It is good, but it has a lot of very experimental things going on that means most of it is undocumented. Good luck, but just be warned it can be a beast to implement things.
I lead a team working on this project. I am sure there are a lot of things to learn, from ECS to networking. I suggest not to implement complicated features if you have few coworkers.
Sort of the plan, keep it simple but change it with simple changes (hopefully) that drive uniqueness.
Looking for team members if anyone is interested. Seriously! We have an artist sketching our models and I am on our second one. I am rigging and animating them as well as world building. Just need a clever script writer to manipulate what we need.
As said above I will absolutely trade work if needed.
Can anyone building on this contact me on joshrichardson1234@hotmail.com we are looking for games for a new platform and would can potentially help fund or get involved with good ideas.
Making models is one thing. Making animated is other thing. But experienced 3D modeler can do some nice models from hours to few weeks typically.
With programming, that’s typically months. And since we talk about FPS sample and ECS/DOTS, you would need experienced programmer. But not only that. You need take into serious considerations that DOTS evolves dynamically. Leading to often API changes. Some are relative simple to fix. Other may be quite consuming on its own. So just to be aware.