I just bought a mobile water asset that comes with a custom shader that requires SM2.0.
It works well on my iPad 4 and nVidia Shield but with my Surface RT (Tegra 3 based) it renders the water material black.
I’m wondering if anyone else has had similar problems with Tegra 3 on Windows RT?
As far as I know, the Tegra 3 is supposed to support SM2.0.
I’m guessing that this might be a bug in the Windows RT driver for Tegra 3.
When I run the Windows Store build on my desktop via Visual Studio everything renders correctly.
I’m going to pick up a Lumia phone in a few weeks for testing so I’ll be able to confirm or rule out the Tegra driver as the cause.
Is it possible that this is a Unity issue? Is it worth submitting a bug report?
Can anyone recommend a light weight water asset that works with Tegra 3/Windows Store?
Could you please attach UnityPlayer.log?
I left my Surface RT at home this morning so I will have to get that for you later today.
I’ve attached a copy of the Unity Player Log and a screenshot showing the material render incorrectly.
In case it matters, this project was made with Unity 4.6.0RC1.
I got the same result with Unity 5.0B12.
It’s the Clear Water asset from the asset store.
1843166–118214–UnityPlayer.txt (3.44 KB)
Yes, so there is a message - WARNING: Shader Unsupported: ‘Rutger/MobileWaterFree’ - Pass ‘FORWARDBASE’ shader state not supported. If you think that shader should work with shader model 2.0, please submit a bug report with project attached.
That’s the water shader that is not rendering correctly. It’s supposed to be SM2.0.
I’ve submitted a bug report. The case # is 646891.
Thanks for looking into this.
Thanks for suggesting I submit a bug report @Tomas1856 .
Someone from the Unity QA Team contacted me with a tweak to the shader, which allowed it to work on my Surface RT.