I’m more than happy to list some stuff here…
Off the top of my head it would be nice if we could see file sizes in build without having to hunt through the build logs, like a nice list in the engine that we can sort by size and type. Even better if there was a warning like, “did you mean to not compress this massive texture?”.
A better means of organizing our sounds between music/ sounds and assigning unified settings to those would be super useful too. Maybe some sort of autodetect where if a sound is over 10 seconds it defaults to a secondary category for streaming settings.
And speaking of this, often times we get a laundry list of settings for sounds, but a “template” might be very useful here. I never know what the best settings are for the various build targets, but often times there is a “right” setting based on if it’s a sound or music and the build target and it’s kind of annoying having to set all our sound files when these things would be much better to set globally per platform (with recommended defaults that are easy to revert to) rather than per sound file.
Another thing that I still don’t really know despite all the benchmarking and debug tools, is a simple means of knowing which script or code is causing bottlenecks to framerate. Often times it can be hard to tell the different when in edit mode what’s causing the game to be slow due to engine overhead and what’s slowing the actual game down.
Some sort of system that could just deliver you the biggest thing slowing your game down at a given time would be a amazing, so instead of us having to master several debug systems just to have a single word telling us what the bottleneck at a given time is would be amazing.
So at one moment it might be “Draw calls”
Another moment it might be “physics”
Another moment it might be “Distance checks from the logic on line 50 of the enemy AI scripts”
Or maybe just any sort of sane red flag check like “We suspect that you have too many draw calls for your targeted platform and maybe a suggestion to try using batching to reduce them. Your physics are also intensive right now, consider consolidating collision layers and reducing unnecessary physics interactions between layers or setting objects to be static.”
As I post this, I am building for web and there is a sever 1 second pause that causes my game to freeze when a certain particle prefab loads for the first time for pooling with sound and several textures. I have no idea how I can go about remedying this, some sort of tool that can detect some huge hiccup like this and offer tips would be nice.