Teleport script, who can help me?

here is a script I made:

function OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider) { 
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("e")) 
Application.LoadLevel (1); 

function Awake () { 
DontDestroyOnLoad (transform.gameObject); 
transform.position = Vector3(71,79,-456); 

I used it in a door object/mesh, and when I start the game the door suddenly disapear why? I didnt turned the "trigger button

Then I deleted the function awake and the door didnt disappear anymore but the script didnt work either.

please help me!

All i want to do is that the FPS controller teleports to a new scene/level when he preses e in front of the door with the exact position.

As some can guess I still a big noob, I'm aware that I ask for a big help here but it takes time before I can manage all this on my own. thank you.

You will fire OnTriggerEnter in the frame when that happens. You will get GetKeyDown in the frame that happens. In your code, both would have to happen in the same frame for this to load the level. Yu could use Input.GetKey("e") instead, it will tell you if the 'e' key is down when the trigger is entered, but sounds like you want the reverse, so use OnTriggerStay instead, which will be called all frames you stand near the door. Then Input.GetKeyDown will go true when the 'e' key is hit.

I think you have to write a function inside your camera script that teleports your camera also.