Teleport script

I am doing a little 2D platform game and I am working on a teleport “portal” that teleports the character from a portal to another portal upon collision (the first portal is a trigger, the second one is simply a sprite with no collision as I don’t want the player to go back to first portal for now).
So till now all ok, I use a simple OnTriggerEnter2D and transform the position of the player from the portal with the trigger to the other portal. When the player touches the first portal, he normally get teleported to the second portal. The thing is, what if I want the player to disappear for like 1-2 seconds when touching the first portal, and then appearing to the second portal? I don’t want the teleport to be immediate. What should I use to make the character disappear and appear again? And then, I should use a coroutine that teleports the player 1-2 sec later, after it disappeared? Is there a way maybe I can disable the sprite render in the script for that 1-2 second and enable it again later on so that it looks like it disappeared or there is some other way? Any help on the matter would be really appreciated.
Thank you all in advance

I would disable or destroy the entire game object for the player, so other objects can’t interact with it, then enable or instantiate it again after the teleport.

Firing a coroutine inside the OnTriggerEnter should do the trick.