Teleportation 3d

Hi i am trying to do a Teleportation script like Nightcrawler from Marvel.When i click i can teleport anywhere within range,but i can’t find any tutorials About that i can only find Teleportation with Teleportation pafs or Portal gun.Any idea to help me?

The only thing you need to do to teleport an object in Unity is simply this:

Vector3 teleportDestination = /* <your teleport destination here> */;

transform.position = teleportDestination;

Of course you might want to have a cool visual effect happen at the same time! I would look into Particle Systems or Visual Effects in Unity to achieve that:

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Thanks for the answer but i want it like a circle that with my mouse i can select where to teleport.This Scene will be 3rd Person.There was a game named Jumper on ps2 something like that.

Use a Raycast from your camera position:

You will get the position on the ground as a result. Make your validation afterwards, like a

Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, hit.transform)

to see if the teleport was in range

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Thanks man i will try as soon as i can.

It will be insane, believe me!

Is a tutorial we made and I’m pretty sure it’s exactly what you’re looking for. You can add the range of teleportation in an if statement.