Hello. I’m making a hobby project in unity and I’v encountered a problem when going from one level to another. Heres a picture that sheds some light on what i mean:
Currently i only have 2 scenes; 1) main menu 2) level 1 & 2.
When i start the game through main menu, i get moved to a certain position in lvl 1 after that i can move between 1 and 2 by using trigger on collision+transform.position.
Now I’m trying to expand by making more maps, but putting them into the same scene will generate too much lagg, so i moved the existing lvl 2 into its own scene and put it to use:
var destination :int;
function OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider) {
if (other.tag == “Player”) {
Now comes the actual problem: When i go back into lvl 1 scene i teleport to the original starting location, when i should have teleported outside the entrance of lvl 2 (a cave). So basically i start the level 1 over.
This will become even bigger problem when i start making more maps as seen in the picture. Is there a way to teleport just like using transform.position method except between scenes or a way to use application.loadlevel(4) and add some extra parameters like if last map lvl 3 then instantiate spawnpoint at entrance of lvl 3 of 4th lvl(ugh hard to explain). Or any other ways that would be better that what im thinking of.
Thanx for help, sorry for the rant.