Teleporting between maps

I am having a bit of a problem trying to work this out. now I have worked out how to teleport around one map with out a problem (all in part due to answers I found here). What I would like to do is be able to teleport from one map to another and to specific points. Here is a pic of what I am trying to do.


The red dot is where the character first spawns, and the rest of the dots represent the various teleport points on the maps. I can get the teleport points to load the maps but I need to have the prefab of the characters spawn point there for the character to appear, but when I teleport back to the original map the character doesn’t appear at the teleport point but rather at the spawn point which is not what I want.

Any solutions that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.

Mind you I am only just beginning to learn unity’s scripting

Hi, check out answer i gave a while ago.